SellerDrive - Empowering Sellers with Comprehensive Analytics

Unveiling SellerDrive - Empowering Sellers with Comprehensive Analytics

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Highlights of the Project

1. Comprehensive Analytics: Dashboard, Sales Analytics, Advertising Analytics, and Profit and Loss Statement.

2. Accurate Fee Representation: Integrating all fee-related data for transparency.

3. Automated Data Retrieval: Ensuring the system has the most current information.

4. Robust Fee Calculation Engine: Computing fees not provided by Amazon.

5. User Empowerment: Access to real-time, comprehensive financial data for swift decision-making.


SellerDrive offers an analytics overview panel comprising various modules, including a Dashboard showcasing best performing products, sales analytics, advertising analytics, and a Profit and Loss statement. It provides insights into critical warnings, policy alerts, and important Amazon Prime Days dates.


Sales Analytics: Highlights best performing products based on the criteria like - Hero Selling, Hot Selling, Not Selling, New Launches. Configured the order_report to get the real time and historic order data. Functionality to fetch the previous period historical data and display the difference of the previous and the comparison period. The data here is combined from the multiple reports like Amazon SP SPI reports (order_report, financial_api, catalog_api), Amazon Advertising API (Conversion Rate, PPC Cost, PPC Sales, PPC Orders), Brand Analytics report (Session).

Advertising Analytics: Offers metrics on spend, sales, ACOS, TACOS, and ROAS. Fetched the Advertising API data and segregated based on the Portfolio’s, Campaign,  Products and Keywords. Analysis is done based on the hierarchy - First check the Report Types (Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display, Sponsored Brand Video) then analysing for the Portfolio -> Campaign -> Ad Groups -> Products ->  Keywords level of data analysing and optimising is done.

Flair - Profit and Loss Statement: Fetches financial data from amazon finance_api and Amazon for transparent fee management. All the total fees and expenses are taken here from different other reports like fba_storage_fees, fba_estimated_fees, etc.. Data to be displayed for all the custom date ranges starting from the current date going back till the 18 months back data as per provided by Amazon.

Promotion: to display the count of ASINs that are having promotional data, and the sales that have been done after the promotion. Promotional data is displayed from the reports - fba_promotion_performance_report, fba_promotion_performance_asin_data and fba_promotions_report respectively.

About the Client

SellerDrive takes pride in supporting sellers from Shopify store launch to complete account management on Amazon, enhancing visibility, advertisement, content, reporting, and more. Their qualified team is dedicated to boosting brand value and driving sales growth for clients.

What were the challenges faced ?

SellerDrive aimed to retrieve comprehensive fee-related data from Amazon, including fees not explicitly provided by the platform. Integrating both Amazon-supplied and independently calculated fees was crucial for sellers to understand their true cost structure and profitability, enhancing transparency and operational efficiency.

What Solution we provided?

To address the challenge, the following solutions were implemented:

Amazon SP API and Advertising API Integration: Retrieving fee-related data.

Automated Data Retrieval: Scheduled tasks to ensure the system has the most current information.

Robust Fee Calculation Engine: Computing fees not provided by Amazon, based on predefined criteria and business rules.

Dynamic Adjustment: Allowing the system to adapt calculations based on changes in Amazon’s fee structures or seller-specific conditions.

Final Results

Implementing these solutions resulted in several significant benefits:

Accurate Fee Representation: Sellers gained insights into their true cost structure, enhancing trust and transparency.

User Satisfaction: Access to real-time, comprehensive financial data empowered sellers to respond swiftly to market changes and opportunities, driving growth and profitability.

SellerDrive's journey exemplifies how comprehensive analytics solutions can empower sellers, providing transparency, actionable insights, and operational efficiency to drive success in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

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